Mushroom Wars – One of the Most addictive games Ever!

YousefAndroid, Applications, Apps, games, iOs 3 Comments

Its been a long time since i’ve been addicted to a game on the mobile phone, Mushroom Wars a strategy game where you overcome your opponents by building barracks and gathering your troops and taking over territory, you game could last from 30 seconds up to 30 mins depending on how lucky you are and how strong your opponents are! …

كيف تعرف متى افضل وقت لشراء منتجات مختلفة من ابل

DudeApple, Education, General, iPad, Technology Leave a Comment

اسهل طريقة لمعرفة افضل وقت شراء  منتجات ابل عبر موقع ماك رومورز (اي اشاعات الماك).. عندهم جزء من الموقع مخصص لمعرفة العمر الافتراضي لإنشاء المنتجات و من ذلك الموقع تستطيع ان تعرف اذا هو من المقترح ان تشتري او تنتظر 1. اذهب لموقع ماك رومورز عبر العنوان التالي 2 . اختر المنتج المراد من اللائحة اللون الاخضر يعني ان …

Help Wanted – iPad Apps Recommendations

DudeApple, Environment, iPad 7 Comments

Finally I had the chance to get myself an iPad 2! Now I need your help to tell me what Apps I should install and if there’s one better than the other. These are the major ones that I currently have : Oplayer (Video Players), Twitter (Official app – is there anything better? ), Facebook (Official App), iKout, iSlash HD (I need …

iPad 2 Jailbreak This Week!

DudeApp Store, Apple, Computers & Electronics, General 1 Comment

Just read around that there are speculations that the ipad 2 jailbreak is coming out anytime now!  A couple of screen shots of those guys involved with the Jailbreak, stated that it will be released any time now, and others stated that the website is revamping for jailbreakme version 3, which should support the iPad 2!  I will definitely keep you …