MeFile – Transfer files to and from your iOs Device

YousefApp Store, Applications, Apps, iOs, Technology Leave a Comment

View this post on Instagram MeFile برنامج مي فايل يتيح لك ان تحول ملفات من الكمبيوتر الخاص عن طريق الوايرلس.. مفيد خصوصا اذا علق برنامج الأير دروب او اذا كنت تريد ارسال ملفات من الوندوز الى جهازك الاي فون .. للعلم لازم اتكون شابك على نفس الواي فاي و يكون البرنامج شغال عشان تقدر ترسل و تستلم ملفات على جهازك …

Samsung Galaxy S5 سنيك بيك

DudeApp Store, games, General, Technology, Telecomm Leave a Comment

بالامس اتتنا دعوه من شركة سامسونج عن طريق شركة زين لحفل تعريف بالجهاز الجديد جالكسي اس 5 و عرضوا لنا التغيرات الاساسية للجهاز قام الاستاذ وائل مرسي بشرح اهم التغيرات لجهاز السامسونج والتي من ضمنها : حجم البطارية اصبح بسعة 2800 حجم الشاشة اصبع 5.1 انش اضافة ميزة”مود الاطفال” تخفيض عدد البرامج المركبة مسبقا ليصبح اجمالي سعه الجهاز التي تستطيع …

An App that controls who can call you without you knowing ?

DudeAndroid, App Store, Apple, Review, Technology 2 Comments

Some apps get control over who can call you and who can even send you sms messages, and I was actually both very shocked and intrigued that they didnt let me choose when I first installed the application. It all started with the notification that appears on the main page which states that there are 182 verified spam numbers. The …

Square those photos for instagram (iOS and Android)

DudeAndroid, App Store, Apple, General 1 Comment

Today i’d like to share with you a couple of very useful apps, especially when it comes to adding photos to instagram (and they aren’t squared photos).  1. The first good app for the iphone/ipad is an app called Sqaready.  Squaready’s baisc features include minimizing the photos and being able to fit them in a square frame.  2. A Similar …

iPad 2 Jailbreak This Week!

DudeApp Store, Apple, Computers & Electronics, General 1 Comment

Just read around that there are speculations that the ipad 2 jailbreak is coming out anytime now!  A couple of screen shots of those guys involved with the Jailbreak, stated that it will be released any time now, and others stated that the website is revamping for jailbreakme version 3, which should support the iPad 2!  I will definitely keep you …