For those of you who know me, you’d understand how disappointed I was when I found out that Khawater 11 would be the last season for Ahmed AlShugairi, for the past 10 years we waited eagerly to watch Khawater on TV after fetour or the replay and the past couple of years we’ve been watching it on YouTube! According to …
Something I would love to install on my FJ Cruiser
I’ve been wanting a remote start functionality on my FJ Cruiser for quite some time, I don’t trust the guys at AlZeena Street to install a security system for me especially one with a remote start option, and i’m really thinking of ordering one online, however i’m trying to get hold of all the wiring instructions and parts. Basically this …
اللي ما شاف برنامج خواطر هالسنة يشوفه
تعودنا في كل سنة متابعة البرامج المفيدة في رمضان ومن اكثر تلك البرامج فائدة برنامج خواطر للأستاذ احمد الشقيري وما يحمله من محتوى علمي و اخلاقي ننتفع منه بإذن الله تعالى والذي يتابع البرنامج يلاحظ التطور التكنلوجي في الجرافكس والانميشن التي يستعملها الشقيري لتوضيح بعض المفاهيم نظريا واحب ان اشكر القائمين على البرنامج لهذا التطور الملحوظ و ادراج كل الحلقات …
10 خواطر
تعودت في كل سنه ان اتابع برنامج “خواطر” لأحمد الشقيري ولكني لم احظى بالوقت لمشاهدته هذه السنة الى الان.. ولكنني قررت ان استثمر وقت الازدحام (اذا كان الشارع واقفا تماما و باستخدام البلوتوث لمخارج الصوت و تثبت الهاتف) لمشاهد الحلقات والاستفادة منها ان شاء الله.. httpv:// و بامكانكم زيارة صفحة الشقيري على اليوتيوب في الرابط التالي لايجاد الحلقات وهي ايضا …
Review: Cable Matters Mini Display Port to HDMI, VGA and DVI Adapter
Yesterday I received my MacBook Air, as well as an adapter I ordered from Amazon which is basically a 3 in 1 Thunderbolt to VGA, DVI or HDMI (with sound output for HDMI), the Macbook Air doesn’t come with an output port, and there’s no way to connect it to a screen without using an adapter. Now apple sell these …
Free Learning for Everyone – Khan Academy
Last night I was looking through TED Talks, some of the older episodes, and I fell upon something I didn’t know existed earlier! Free Education programs provided by the Khan Academy, its an online school basically which has a vast amount of subjects you can go through at your own pace covering different levels and educational backgrounds. It has everything from …
Learning Something New from
Every once in a while I tend to get some free time, or when I have about 30 mins on the treadmill with nothing to do, therefore I decided to reactivate my subscription. Lynda is basically a huge repository of tutorials Made by professionals in their respective fields and you can access all of that for 25 USD, which …
كيف تعرف متى افضل وقت لشراء منتجات مختلفة من ابل
اسهل طريقة لمعرفة افضل وقت شراء منتجات ابل عبر موقع ماك رومورز (اي اشاعات الماك).. عندهم جزء من الموقع مخصص لمعرفة العمر الافتراضي لإنشاء المنتجات و من ذلك الموقع تستطيع ان تعرف اذا هو من المقترح ان تشتري او تنتظر 1. اذهب لموقع ماك رومورز عبر العنوان التالي 2 . اختر المنتج المراد من اللائحة اللون الاخضر يعني ان …
How to Get the Correct Colors on Your computer Screen (Windows 7 and 8)
Whenever you purchase a new monitor or change or update your operating system, you should always consider calibrating the displays to show you the correct color and temperature. A lot of the time you will notice a difference between your desktop computer and your laptop. But you simply need to calibrate both and it would show the same image. With …
New WordPress 3.9 Update
On April 16 WordPress released WordPress 3.9 “Jimmy Smith’ update, it showcased many different updates that make it easier to edit and view your final post and its layout before publishing. This video sums up the main differences you will be noticing with the update : The following are the main changes that took place : …