Its been a long time since i’ve been addicted to a game on the mobile phone, Mushroom Wars a strategy game where you overcome your opponents by building barracks and gathering your troops and taking over territory, you game could last from 30 seconds up to 30 mins depending on how lucky you are and how strong your opponents are! …
@Slorks مراجعة لنظام اندرويد لولي بوب من اخونا احمد بوعركي للمزيد من المراجعات للهواتف المختلفة الرجاء زيارة قناة احمد على اليوتيوب اذا مستعجلين , احمد يبلش يتكلم عن نظام التشغيل الجديد في الدقيقه السادسة تقريبا..تمنياتي له بالتوفيق
يشرح الفروقات بين شاشات الهاتف في فيديو مبسط slorks For more videos from Slorks, check out his youtube channel here.
My new gaming Addiction!
I like competitive games and although it’s not a new concept, the cross platform and login feature of the game makes it more impressive and nicer to play and means you can play wherever you are, just remember if you quit in the middle of the game you loose :/ 8 Ball Pool by MiniClip is the game I’m talking …
My New Toy: Motorola Xoom 3G
I was always thinking about trying out android, but wasn’t really convinced about the handsets, I really like the stability of apples iOS, however, I tried caffenated’s Samsung Galaxy 10″ WiFi tablet, (6ab3an he kept on boasting it was th ebest thing ever and i kept on teasing him and asking him if samsung are stuck with their devices that …
Angry Bird’s New Nest : Google Chrome
I was amazed to find Angry Birds on Google Chrome’s Web Store, and accessible online at I leave you with some screen shots ! Happy playing. [sthumbs=818|817|816|815|814|813,160,3,n,center,] To download it: 1. click on the following link (to access the webstore) and then click on the Angry Birds Image (shown in the beginning of the post). You …