Adobe reduced their for a special offer, their offer ends November 25 2016. Good time to subscribe for some great Savings! افضل وقت للاشتراك مع ادوب حيث انهم قامو بتخفيض سعر الاشتراك ٥٠ ٪ و اصبح سعر الاشتراك ١١،٢٠٠ دينار كويتي للشهر يسري هذا العرض لغاية ٢٥ نوفمبر الجاري. To get the offer visit adobe’s website here
How to type Arabic in Photoshop CC!
I never knew Adobe implemented Arabic Typing support for Adobe CS6 let alone adobe CC. Apparently it’s a simple procedure (I learned from Adobe forums : Link). Simply: Open Up Adobe Photoshop CC Click on Ctrl+K (Windows) or Command+K (Mac), select the “Type” Tab as shown and select “Middle Eastern and South Asian” for the Text engine. Restart the Application …
MeFile – Transfer files to and from your iOs Device
View this post on Instagram MeFile برنامج مي فايل يتيح لك ان تحول ملفات من الكمبيوتر الخاص عن طريق الوايرلس.. مفيد خصوصا اذا علق برنامج الأير دروب او اذا كنت تريد ارسال ملفات من الوندوز الى جهازك الاي فون .. للعلم لازم اتكون شابك على نفس الواي فاي و يكون البرنامج شغال عشان تقدر ترسل و تستلم ملفات على جهازك …
PART 1 : How to Receive Payments Online for small businesses in Kuwait!
Ever wished you can get payments online straight to your back account in Kuwait? (Something like paypal which we can use) I’m sure it affects a lot of people out there, especially when it comes to collecting payments for you small home business. Today i’m showcasing the first business that allow you to charge for your small business via online payments …
How to Download and Install Windows 10 NOW
A lot of us have reserved the Windows 10 update (see my previous post on how to do that here), however the launch date was set for the 29th and a lot of users still didn’t get the indicator to start downloading windows 10. Here’s what you have to do : 1. Make sure you know which version of the …
Get Windows 10 For Free!
One hell of a notification showed up on my desktop this morning! [shashin type=”photo” id=”3114″ size=”max” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”center”] Apparently windows 10 is rolling out to be “reserved” by customers! Here what the rest of the prompts said : [shashin type=”photo” id=”3115,3116,3117″ size=”max” columns=”1″ order=”user” position=”center”] Can’t wait for the windows 10 Freeeeeee Upgrade :D, make sure you keep your …
Amazon Cloud Drive – What All the rest of cloud Storage services should have been like!
I just fell across Amazon Cloud a couple of days ago, I wish I would have had it sooner. It basically gives you unlimited photo uploads if you have Amazon Prime, and the best thing about it is that you don’t have to sync the photos to all your devices! For me, I can just upload all my files online …
Mushroom Wars – One of the Most addictive games Ever!
Its been a long time since i’ve been addicted to a game on the mobile phone, Mushroom Wars a strategy game where you overcome your opponents by building barracks and gathering your troops and taking over territory, you game could last from 30 seconds up to 30 mins depending on how lucky you are and how strong your opponents are! …
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 CyanogenMod Experience
I’ve been using the CyanogenMod for more than 2 weeks now, and all I can say is that I wish I knew about it and had the guts to root a long time ago! My galaxy Note 3 was running the latest software available at the time which was the 4.4.2 Kit Kat. Basic, slow and sluggish compared to …
How NFC Tags can make your life easier!
I’ve been using NFC tags now for quite a while, equipped with trigger apps on the Samsung Note 3, and you have got a preset tap to activate a specific function or set of commands on your smartphone (Android – as Iphones don’t have built in NFC). Whats nice about them is that you can buy NFC tags quite cheaply 8-10 …
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