Last night I was looking through TED Talks, some of the older episodes, and I fell upon something I didn’t know existed earlier! Free Education programs provided by the Khan Academy, its an online school basically which has a vast amount of subjects you can go through at your own pace covering different levels and educational backgrounds. It has everything from …
Learn Programming with Team TreeHouse
Once upon a time, I learned coding, syntax, how to write algorithms and different programming languages, including C++, java, python and Php/MySQL. I wasn’t really good at writing code but I was great at creating documentations, and manipulating already written code. Time has passed since uni, and now i’m trying to re-learn some basics so that I can create my …
الطريقة السهلة للتحويل بين الكتابة في العربية و الانجيليزية في الوردبرس
بما انني في صدد تركيب الاجزاء المختلقة التي سوف ابني فيها مدونتي اردت ان اشرح سريعا كيفية اضافة الازرار التي تسمح لكم بتحويل اتجاه الكتابة في الوردبرس الانجليزي الاصدار 3.9 +. اولا الذهاب الى Plugins البحث عن : TinyMCE Advanced واختيار Install ثم Activate Plugin البحث عن : WP-RTL و اختيار Install ثم Activate Plugin و من ثم الذهاب الى Settings -> …
How’s the BlackBerry Z30 Doing?
Its been over 2 months now i’ve been using the Z30 as my primary phone, I use my iPad for iOs programs and apps and my Note 3 for my instagram business. Programs I Use on the Z30 : Whatsapp (Native) BBM (Native) Instagram (Ported) Dropbox (Native) Quran (Ported) Kindle (Ported) Skype (native) WordPress (Native) Viber (Native – Isn’t …
Giving the Latest Blackberry Z30 a Shot!
I have the full conviction that nothing beats Blackberry Handsets when it comes to the area of a Business Phone. Email, Email, Email, both my iPhone and Samsung put me in a tight situation when emails were delayed or sometimes never arrived until I refreshed, attachments were a disaster to view and sometimes never open up. Unfortunately the Z10 wasn’t …
My new gaming Addiction!
I like competitive games and although it’s not a new concept, the cross platform and login feature of the game makes it more impressive and nicer to play and means you can play wherever you are, just remember if you quit in the middle of the game you loose :/ 8 Ball Pool by MiniClip is the game I’m talking …
Free CAP Upgrade from ZAIN !
Zain introduced their updated CAP policies yesterday, and that means good news to anyone who has a current plan or anyone planning on buying a new one. All existing customers were automatically upgraded to the new plans. A couple of months back the smartphone package was increased to 30 GB from the previous 12 GBs, we all predicted that there …
The Audi R8 from CBK Goes home with Noura!
We’d like to congratulate the winner of the Audi R8 from CBK! Noura Khaled! Congratulations! Now for what went on in the GREAT evening we had at the lovely #Sahara Golf Resort! The host for this evening was no other than Salman Alnijadi of Marina FM We started off the evening with a couple of speeches from the executives at …
Instagram beta now on Windows Phones
This comes with good news and bad news, the good news is there is instagram for Windows phones now, but its in the Beta stage, meaning its limited to viewing only (within the application), and you cannot post directly from the app, you have to take a photo then upload that photo and add filters to it etc.. Also its …