I’ve recently migrated away from A2Hosting and selected Verpex to be my next hosting provider hopefully for the long run. It’s difficult changing hosts, but honestly, verpex staff had made it seamless, easy, and were there at the live chat as well as extremely fast support! Day 1 and migrated 3 websites with total ease and no issues. Check out …
New WordPress Version is out 4.2
One of the nicest features is the use of emojis! 😎😎⛅ UPDATE: 4.2.2 is now available to update to.
WordPress Security Vulnerability and the update to WordPress 4.2 is Out!
I just received email from Envato regarding an XSS security vulnerability affecting multiple wordpress plugins and themes! These are some of the plugins currently affected : “The official WordPress Official Documentation (Codex) for these functions was not very clear and misled many plugin developers to use them in an insecure way. The developers assumed that these functions would escape the …
WordPress has been updated to 3.9.2
On August 6 wordpress released an update 3.9.2 to address some security issues on the latest version and a summary of the changes include : Fixes a possible denial of service issue in PHP’s XML processing, reported by Nir Goldshlager of the Salesforce.com Product Security Team. Fixed by Michael Adams and Andrew Nacin of the WordPress security team and David Rothstein of …
الطريقة السهلة للتحويل بين الكتابة في العربية و الانجيليزية في الوردبرس
بما انني في صدد تركيب الاجزاء المختلقة التي سوف ابني فيها مدونتي اردت ان اشرح سريعا كيفية اضافة الازرار التي تسمح لكم بتحويل اتجاه الكتابة في الوردبرس الانجليزي الاصدار 3.9 +. اولا الذهاب الى Plugins البحث عن : TinyMCE Advanced واختيار Install ثم Activate Plugin البحث عن : WP-RTL و اختيار Install ثم Activate Plugin و من ثم الذهاب الى Settings -> …