Dusty Outside? Stay home and Learn something!

DudeBloggers, Documentary, Education, Internet, Kuwait, Technology 1 Comment

Everyone noticed by now the amount of dust thats just increasing hour by hour. Visibility is low, its not worth going out ang getting covered up with sand. What I recommend you do  is not waste that time infornt of a telly and  learn something new! I’ve decided to update and increase my knowledge on Photoshop CS6, so I wont …

Raffles Hotel Dubai – I Love you :)

DudeHotels, Internet, Malls, Review, Travel 5 Comments

[shashin type=”photo” id=”6345″ size=”large” columns=”max” order=”user” position=”center”] One of the most comfortable most luxurious hotels i’ve been in lately and I loved every bit of it! My main concern was to find a room that was big in size, I hate small rooms they make me feel as if i’m paying only for a bed. I like having a separate …


Dudegames, Gaming, Internet, Technology 7 Comments

More Driver: San Francisco Videos : and I thought i wont play this game again. I used to be addicted to Driver 1 and 2, at last DRIVER San Fransisco’s Demo is out! Its around 1386 MB for the Multiplayer Demo I’m currently downloading, i’ll try to post some videos of actual playing later on! I haven;t been on my PS3 …

Whats the cheapest way to ship from the US to Kuwait ?

DudeCars, General, Internet, Kuwait 7 Comments

Its been on my mind for some time now, I need to order 4 new tires for my car, + a spare RIM and Tire! Each Rim weighs around 31 LBS (apprx 14 KG) and each tire weighs around 52 LBS (approx. 23 KG). The other major problem is that the cost of shipping is around 4 times more than …