I never knew Adobe implemented Arabic Typing support for Adobe CS6 let alone adobe CC. Apparently it’s a simple procedure (I learned from Adobe forums : Link). Simply: Open Up Adobe Photoshop CC Click on Ctrl+K (Windows) or Command+K (Mac), select the “Type” Tab as shown and select “Middle Eastern and South Asian” for the Text engine. Restart the Application …
AmazonGlobal Shipping to Kuwait experience
Buying through Amazon and only paying a small shipment fee is everyone’s dream. Amazon are now providing international shipping via amazon global for some eligible items. Meaning what used to cost over 20 KWD to ship to Kuwait from the states would only cost around 20 USD. I tried them out last week when I ordered the Asus Zenpad 8 …
How to Download and Install Windows 10 NOW
A lot of us have reserved the Windows 10 update (see my previous post on how to do that here), however the launch date was set for the 29th and a lot of users still didn’t get the indicator to start downloading windows 10. Here’s what you have to do : 1. Make sure you know which version of the …
Learn Programming with Team TreeHouse
Once upon a time, I learned coding, syntax, how to write algorithms and different programming languages, including C++, java, python and Php/MySQL. I wasn’t really good at writing code but I was great at creating documentations, and manipulating already written code. Time has passed since uni, and now i’m trying to re-learn some basics so that I can create my …
الطريقة السهلة للتحويل بين الكتابة في العربية و الانجيليزية في الوردبرس
بما انني في صدد تركيب الاجزاء المختلقة التي سوف ابني فيها مدونتي اردت ان اشرح سريعا كيفية اضافة الازرار التي تسمح لكم بتحويل اتجاه الكتابة في الوردبرس الانجليزي الاصدار 3.9 +. اولا الذهاب الى Plugins البحث عن : TinyMCE Advanced واختيار Install ثم Activate Plugin البحث عن : WP-RTL و اختيار Install ثم Activate Plugin و من ثم الذهاب الى Settings -> …
Children + Pizza + Alienware + Tuff Stuff
just a photo of the day kinda post. Never place electronics next to kids with a Pizza Box hehe.. I left my laptop on the table for 10 Mins, this is what it looked like : I used a little bit of Tuff Stuff foam and wiped it clean ! FYI: Tuff Stuff from STP is a great product, you …
How to get Multitasking on the Galaxy Note 2
I’m sure a lot of you were disappointed when they found out that the galaxy note 2 that you bought didn’t support multitasking right away and needed a software upgrade. After researching online for a solution To Get the MultiTasking update here’s what you have to do: 1. Download and install the Samsung Kies Application (here) 2. Connect your …
How to stop Lightroom from Auto-starting when connecting storage media to your Computer
I’ve been annoyed from Lightroom starting up every time I insert a flash drive into my computer. Apparently the fix was simple and only took 3 mins, including the time I needed to find the solution online. All you need to do is : Go to lightroom. Click on Edit -> Preferences -> General Tab Un-select “Show Import Dialog when a memory card is …
The Technical Side of Blogging – Part 3 : Make Your Blog Load Faster
Making your site load faster is one of the key things you should focus on! Visitors hate sites that take forever to load, and site ranking engines take the load time into consideration when ranking the website overall. Lets get to it: 1. Remove, disable, uninstall unwanted/unnecessary plugins: Some plugins require so much data to be fetched from the database that they make the site …
Delete All those old photos on your iPhone!
I was looking around for a way to delete all the photos on my iPhone, its no longer my primary phone, since I now use the HTC One X. However, wanting to try out the new iOS 6 I decided to clear out all the photos that i have (backing them up first) and then deleting everything. It’s not so …
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