Broken Windshield due to bad roads!!!

DudeAccidents, Kuwait 1 Comment

I don’t know if its because my FJ cruiser’s windshield is too steep, these days on Fahaheel road, I keep getting hit buy flying stones, there’s a map drawn on my Windshield now, and somewhere after the 6th ring road, right after the Adan Bridge, there’s something wrong with the road it gets very very dusty and rocks are everywhere, …

Maid + Driver Does NOT equal Mom + Dad!

DudeAccidents, Health, Kuwait 1 Comment

It’s very unfortunate here that we sometimes have a blind trust in the people we hire to take care of our young ones, sometimes these people are uneducated and wouldn’t know what would be considered dangerous, and sometimes they just don’t care! This morning I was dropping off my son to his school, where I spotted a small car with …

ماذا تفعل اذا انكسر عندك زجاج شاشة الهاتف

DudeAccidents, Education, Telecomm 8 Comments

الكثير منا يمكن ينحط في هذا الموقف الصعب و ما نكون على استعداد لتبديل الهاتف لكونه جديد.. و قبل جم يوم طاح تيليفون زوجتي و كان السؤال اللي دورت له حل في العم قوقل كيف ابدل زجاج  السامسانج جالكسي اس 3 لحسن حظي الزجاج ينباع بسعر 20 دولار على اي باي و مع الشحن واصل الكويت ان شاء الله ما …

My iPhone Disabled for 43 Years!

DudeAccidents, Apple, Funny Things, Technology, Telecomm 4 Comments

That’s right, somehow, after leaving it within the reach of my kids, this happened. 22628196 Mins!!! Which are equivalent  to 377,136 Hours and 36 Minutes, which is equivalent to 15,714 Days  which in turn is equivalent to 43 years!!!! Somehow connecting it to iTunes (on the same computer it was last synced with) solved the problem and I gained access to the …