Dusty Outside? Stay home and Learn something!

DudeBloggers, Documentary, Education, Internet, Kuwait, Technology 1 Comment

Everyone noticed by now the amount of dust thats just increasing hour by hour. Visibility is low, its not worth going out ang getting covered up with sand. What I recommend you do  is not waste that time infornt of a telly and  learn something new! I’ve decided to update and increase my knowledge on Photoshop CS6, so I wont …

Tutorial – Win 7: Get rid of those Arabic setup menus on your computer!

DudeComputers & Electronics, Documentary, General, Training, Windows 7 Leave a Comment

Ever wondered how you can make those menu’s on your computer that appear in Arabic or any other language, appear in English? Especially those to do with the graphics cards setup and application setup that are shown when you start setting up a new device or softeware! Well, here’s the solution:   NB: Please save all your work as the …