[pe2-image src=”http://lh5.ggpht.com/-4av7SagKXKA/VD_htRb8yBI/AAAAAAAAAy0/-kjCSaSLxi4/s144-c-o/IMG_20141002_122153.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/107844231833704699910/UBUYclip#6070818990609713170″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20141002_122153.jpg” pe2_img_align=”center” ] 2 Weeks ago I was given the opportunity to try out the new iRing by AAuxx from Ubuy.com.kw, they have 3 – 4 different styles you can choose from, including one that is Ubuy branded which, their prices are from 3.5-5.5 KD. Whats so Unique about this ring, is unlike the sling grips …
SPIGENify your Samsung Galaxy S4
Its really difficult to find that protective cover that won’t make your handset larger or bulkier, or make it look cheap. I’ve seen cool models from Spigen with a friend at work, but it was a little too expensive to buy online (taking into account the shipping price). I was at Olympia Mall with my wife and daughter when I …