قام احد الاشخاص بتحليق طائرته الفاتوم اثkاء عرض للاعاب النارية في احتفالية الاستقلال الامريكية في امريكا و كان التصور مذهلا جدا
Jet Airways – The Experience
One flight might not be a way to measure how good or bad an airline is, but for me and my experience, it would be the last time I fly on board jet airways! We flew from Abu Dhabi to kuwait, the plane was nearly full, but we flew around 20 minutes early which was a great advantage, the staff …
The Saudi Arabian Airlines Experience
Last month I had to book a flight to the states in quite a last minute basis, we looked around and somehow i ended up in the Saudi Airlines page. I read some review on some Arabic forums but couldn’t really get a lot of information and they only downside that was to it was that they said it sometimes really got …