Its been a few days now that the ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) has been released to XOOM devices in the states. The UK, Europe and other regions will have to wait as well as the update to the 3G version which is still not released. I have the 3G version which is good as is, but I’ve tried the ICS on the samsung nexus and I can tell you its anoteher story all together and will really change your preception and feel to Android devices. Its also more stable, has a faster browser and has some of the more important features built in such as a task manager. Check out the videos below for more information :
To update (for WiFi versions – I haven’t tried this as i’m using the 3G version):
Comments 3
me2 can’t wait wallah 🙂
I have Motorola xoom from the USA, I recieved the ICS update last Friday and its really awesome, better than the old honeycomb
Really ? Aah.. So they actually look at it from where the device is and not the IP of the downloading location. i presume you have the wifi version right?